
Name TandokuCon
Founding Year 2006
Founders Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Daughter
Final Year 2007
Status Defunct
Location Philadelphia, PA


TandokuCon was an anime convention held at the at Philadelphia, PA on November 9-11, 2007, thus making it the first three day anime convention held in the aformentioned city. As well as the first one run by an African American corperation.

Origins and Convention Days

The convention formed when the founders started TandokuCon Entertainment in October of 2007. The convention came about when the daughter was on budget but wanted to attend a convention. So her mother founded the anime con, TandokuCon.

The activities included the Dealers Room and the Artists Alley.

Voice Actors:
Chris Ayers
Colleen Clinkbeard
Aaron Dismuke
Crispin Freeman
Kyle Hebert
Lex Lang
Vic Mignogna
Liam O'Brien
Derek Stephen Prince
Johnny Yong Bosch

Recording Artists:
Lisa Furuyama
The Hsu-Nami (musical act)


The convention organizaers irritated two other conventions: PhilCon, as TandokuCon was scheduled a week beforehand, and the Delware Anime Society who runs Zenkaicon, due to the con not recognizing TandokuCon. Due to being a first time convention, they booked big name voice actors which caused some cost issues (read "FATE"). Finally, the Philadelphia Convention Center stated that it was cancelled, however that wasn't the case and they had to quickly fix the issue.


While the true reason is unknown for it's succeeding year, it's probable that due to the finanical issues, the organizers decided not to return for a second year.
